The Project

This project within the scope of the CAPES / PRINT-UERJ program aims to consolidate the existing partnerships of researchers from the LEMA Technological Development Units – Patrícia Oliva Soares Laboratory for Experimentation and Numerical Simulation in Heat and Mass Transfer – and LEMec – Testing Laboratory Mechanics and Metrology – with researchers from abroad, as well as expanding them, with concrete results both with regard to the dissemination of the results of research activities, and in the training of human resources at the graduate level.

Postgraduate Programmes

Postgraduate Program Linked to the Project: Master and Doctorate in Computational Modeling – UERJ, Brazil

Master’s and doctoral program, both recommended by CAPES. It covers areas such as Engineering, Exact Sciences, Biological Sciences and Human Sciences.

Partner Postgraduate Program: Modeling and Technology for the Environment Applied to Water Resources (AmbHidro) – IFF, Brazil

This program covers computational modeling of environmental variables.

Partner Postgraduate Program: Master and Doctorate in Industrial Informatics and Automation – CUJAE, Cuba

This postgraduate course aims to provide students with a profound mastery of research methods, a broad scientific culture and advanced knowledge in the field of automation and computing, developing skills for teaching, research and development work, systematically contributing to the elevation productivity, efficiency and quality of graduate work.

Postgraduate Partner Program: Doctoral Program in Information and Communication Technologies – UGR, Spain

The Doctoral Program in Information and Communication Technologies at the University of Granada aims to train doctors in subjects that allow the advancement of knowledge, development and innovation in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), through scientific research and technological development of excellence.
